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Open Stack超级干货

发表于 2015-5-13 17:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
你知道吗?思科ACI架构中有一个成熟和完整的OpenStack云环境基础,可以从小规模扩展到大规模架构。它提供了监控功能进行故障排除,Service Chaining,Fabric Tunnels,物理和虚拟一体化,快速部署与应用程序为中心的策略模型。思科ACI结构的设计提供了灵活性,性能和云环境所需的可扩展性,并包括一套完整的开放式API,可以与OpenStack平台紧密集成,思科的云计算机与Open Stack。

赵小明 Open Stack超级干货!
•        Understand OpenStack Platform features and terminology
•        Install OpenStack Platform using packstack
•        Use Horizon web front-end to setup Tenants, Flavor, Network, Router, Security Group, Keypair, Floating IPs, Volumes and Instances
•        Install, configure messaging and database services
•        Install, configure, and use the Keystone authentication services. Setup PKI token method, manage users and tenants from CLI
•        Install and use the Glance image service. Guide to create VMs, manage images from CLI
•        Install the Cinder block storage service. Create volume types and volumes, understand software defined storage such as Gluster
•        Install, configure, and manage OpenStack Platform networking service. Understand Neutron architecture, openvswitch and ML2 usage. Setup L2 agent, L3 agent, DHCP agent, etc.
•        Install Nova compute and controller services. Understand VM life cycle, manage image cache, setup VNC console access
•        Deploy an instance from the command line
•        Learn to add and remove additional Nova compute nodes
•        Learn about the future of OpenStack

下一篇:莱斯 5big Network 2改装黑群晖 绝对霸气的
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