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发表于 2015-11-22 16:27 来自ZNDS手机版 | 显示全部楼层 | 来自浙江
NEED A ROUTER?Visit the Gargoyle Shop  Buy routers with Gargoyle pre-installed  HAVE A COMPATIBLE ROUTER? Read the installation instructions  before downloading the software   Not sure if your router is supported?  Check the list of supported routers.   Want to connect with other users?  Browse the forum and find answers to any questions you may have.   Want to contribute?  Browse the source, make your changes and send a pull request on github.  Donations are also very welcome. LATEST NEWS Versions 1.9.0 & 1.8.1    11/08/2015 The new experimental version of Gargoyle based on Chaos Calmer, 1.9.0 is now available for download. Also, available is 1.8.1, a bugfix release for the stable 1.8 branch.
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