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用超级电视看《稻草人Brightlight Pictures》2013美国恐怖片

发表于 2014-4-7 22:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【适用机型】...... 苹果IPad+iPhone 4或电脑
【文件格式】...... MP4+AAC
【视频尺寸】...... 1280x720
【制作团队】...... VeryPSP

高清720P 任何部位清晰可见

【出品公司】Brightlight Pictures
【上映日期】2013年10月5日 美国
【影片级别】Australia:MA15+ (2014) | Netherlands:16
【IMDB评分】4.1/10 (397 votes)
【国  家】美国/加拿大
【类  别】恐怖/科幻
【导  演】Sheldon Wilson
【主  演】Lacey Chabert ... Kristen
      Richard Harmon ... Tyler
      Brittney Wilson ... Beth
      Robin Dunne ... Aaron
      Nicole Mu?oz ... Maria
      Julia Maxwell ... Nicki
      Iain Belcher ... Calvin
      Reilly Dolman ... Daevon
      Jerry Wasserman ... Murphy
      Lanie McAuley ... Marcy


Forgenerations, it was an urban legend that lived in the nightmares ofchildren. Now, the season to rejuvenate the tale will revive a town'sdarkest fears. With the Scarecrow Festival on the horizon, schoolteacher Aaron Harris is doling out punishment for six students servingdetention, including the moody Tyler, Goth girl Nikki, wrestling teamcaptain Daevon, and straight-A student Jun. Their task: help Aaron'sex-girlfriend Kristen fix her family farm before it's sold. But thecornfields circling the farm come with a legend-and Tyler takes macabredelight in recounting the tale: It never sleeps, it never dies, it can'tbe stopped, hear their cries. The Scarecrow lives to kill us all. Keepit buried in the fall... When the kids play a terrifying game of cat andmouse in the cornfield with what they believe is a wild animal, Kristentries to convince them that the Scarecrow is a very real creature offierce strength and power, rejuvenated by the blood of its prey-andproof comes all...
这是一个都市传说生活在噩梦中的儿童。现在,让故事本赛季将恢复town'sdarkest恐惧。地平线上的稻草人节,教师亚伦哈里斯发放六的学生servingdetention处罚,包括穆迪泰勒,哥特女孩尼基,teamcaptain daevon摔跤,和优秀的学生军。他们的任务是帮助克里斯汀aaron'sex-girlfriend在出售给她家庭农场。但thecornfields绕农场来与一个传说和泰勒需要macabredelight讲述的故事:它从不睡觉,它永远不会消失,它can'tbe停,听到它们的叫声。稻草人的生活把我们都杀了。埋藏在秋天孩子们玩一个可怕的猫和老鼠在玉米地游戏他们认为是一种野生动物kristentries说服他们,稻草人是非常真实的生物激烈的力量通过它的猎物andproof血液再生

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnd7m6j 密码: ml4e

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发表于 2015-8-11 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
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